Vegetable Gardening: Tips and Tricks for Beginners

Vegetable Gardening Tips and Tricks for Beginners

Vegetable gardening can seem like a daunting task for new gardeners, but it doesn’t have to be this way. 

The truth is, if you know the basics, it can actually be a fun and rewarding experience. We are sharing with you the ins and outs of vegetable gardening for newbies, including our secret tips and tricks.

Think Small

When beginning to garden, the best thing you can do to start is pick a small place to work with. You don’t need a large piece of land or any ornate and drawn out sketches. By picking a small space to work with, you take the stress out of the load of work a large plot takes to harvest, and also add in the ease of not losing a lot if you mess up along the way.

Vegetable Choice

Choose vegetables that are easy to grow in your area. Some vegetables are also easier to harvest and grow than others are, choose the easy ones to start with. Generally tomatoes, peppers, carrots, beets and radishes are five of the easiest vegetables to grow. Start here if your state planting schedule allows for it.

Soil Care

The solid that you grow your vegetables in is key to how well they grow and taste. If you find your soil is holding too much water, add compost to help it not hold too much water. Your soil should be able to form into a ball, but also have the consistency where you touch it because it may crumble or fall apart.

Pesky Weeds

By taking control of weeds in your garden early, you can save yourself time and vegetables down the road. Weeds can easily grow and take over your garden if they’re not properly tended to. Each week, take some time to weed your garden so that you can stay on top of them overgrowing. If you find yourself overwhelmed, find a local professional you can ask for help in managing overgrowth of deadly weeds.

Planting Schedule

You don’t have to plant only one certain type of vegetable all at the same time. Spread out the timing of your planting if you can. This way, you will not have to harvest all of a vegetable at the same time. You’ll be able to have a steady stream of incoming vegetables to enjoy them over a longer period of time.

Water System

Watering your garden is crucial to it surviving and thriving. Tending to it in the morning when it’s cool is a great time to get started. Not only for you, but for your vegetables. As the heat of the day rises and becomes extremely hot, check on your plants in the afternoon to see if they could use another watering. You can do this by hand with your hose, or you can install a drip system to water your garden automatically.

Contact Summit Lawn & Pest Control for All Your Lawn Care Needs

We hope you have found our vegetable gardening tips for beginners helpful and informational. Here at Summit Lawn & Pest Control, we have over 10 years of experience in the green industry and truly love to help our community. We service all of Utah County, from Orem down to Provo in Utah. Give us a call at (801)-473-9926 for a free lawn service quote. Contact us today!