How Much Should I Water Plants in the Summer?

How Much Should I Water Plants During Summer?

As you water plants in the summertime, there are a few factors to consider to help your garden flourish in the heat.

Many variables affect how often you should water your plants, from the type of plant to the weather and season. Today, we’re sharing our best tips and tricks for keeping your foliage hydrated and happy during the hottest months of the year.

Hydrate Plants in the Morning and Evening

The warmth of summer means that water evaporates quite quickly. Watering in the morning and evening ensures that less moisture will evaporate, leaving your plants feeling hydrated and refreshed. Instead of soaking your greenery throughout the day, two times is most effective for optimal hydration. A slight drying out before watering might seem troublesome, but it will enhance and strengthen root growth. Be sure to give your plants a thorough drink as you spray them each morning and evening. If you live in an area with heavy drought conditions, you might want to consider choosing plants that don’t need much water to survive.

Keep Evenly Moist

Most plants depend on moisture to survive, but the water should be evenly distributed to promote optimal growth. Move your hose from left to right to ensure that each area of the soil is receiving the same amount of moisture.

Water Plants at Soil Level

Your plant’s leaves might look thirsty, but think again! Plants absorb water through their roots, so there is no need to give the leaves a thorough bath. A brief spray to remove dust, dirt, and insects is fine, but foliage that remains wet for an extended period can turn diseased, moldy, and burnt. Focus on the root zone as you water your plants and use a sprayer for the most success.

Give the Right Water Quantity

As you water plants, it’s essential to give them the right amount of H2O. Roots reach deep down into the soil, so be sure to provide a soaking that will send the water down to the source. Although most plants need plenty of water to thrive, be cautious of overwatering. Waterlogging suppresses the roots’ ability to breathe and they can drown without proper oxygen. Fortunately, the heat of summertime makes it difficult to overwater your plants.

When in Doubt, Check the Soil

If you’re still unsure if your plants are receiving an optimal amount of water, the soil can tell you all you need to know. As you gently push on it, it should feel workable and less compact. It should also feel moist, but not resemble a swimming pool.

Let Summit Lawn & Pest Control Help

As you water plants this summer, get an expert opinion about which will look best in your yard with Summit Lawn & Pest Control. We offer premium lawn care and pest control services to get your yard in pristine shape despite the heat. We serve several cities in Utah County, Utah, including Lehi, Alpine, Orem, Provo, Spanish Fork, and more! Contact us today for your free estimate.